January Newsletter Updates

Hi Parents,

Your January newsletter went home with your little one this week. Here are a few key points to remember.

School Closed Dates:

January 20th, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 27th, district-wide pupil free day

January 31st, LAUNCH staff training, pupil free day


1/17 Twin Day

1/24 LAUNCH T-shirts

1/31 Crazy Hair Day

2/14 Red/Hearts Day

Kindergarten Transition information night for 2014 graduates has been postponed to January 23rd. It will be held at the Arnold Elementary cafeteria and will start at 6:30. Check an earlier post for the flyer. You can type Kindergarten Transition in the search box.

A big THANK YOU to our grandparent volunteer that made Santa’s visit so wonderful!

And another round of applause for all our parent volunteers, our OTs and PTs, our Adopt-A-School partners Convaid and all the other staff that helped out with SNOW DAY. It was great fun for everyone.

You can always check the Calendar page on this blog for any dates.

Parent Badges

Hi Parents,

Badges are Here!!

Last year we invited the Torrance Police Department to come to our campus and help us develop practices that better ensure a safe and secure campus.  They recommended that all adults on campus, parents included, wear badges identifying them as someone who belongs.  After searching for an affordable vendor, LifeTouch donated badges for our families that can be reused from year to year.  Parents/caregivers are required to wear their badges when on campus or check in at the office and sign in for a visitors badge. The badges, for the most part, identify where the adult is going. Meteor class parents badges say “Meteor” etc.  Families will get badges from their teachers.  We can provide more than one badge per family, but we need the badges returned for re-use at the end of the year. Thank you for your support.

Elaine Semple

Principal, LAUNCH Preschool

Kindergarten Transition Meeting Flyer

Parent Information Meeting

for parents of

graduating students with IEPs

January 23, 2014

6:30 in the Arnold Cafeteria

Childcare available at LAUNCH


You will meet the Special Education Program Specialists for the Elementary schools, receive basic information about the transition to Kindergarten and sign up to visit classrooms.  Placement process and options will be discussed.  This is the first step in the kindergarten transition process and you are strongly encouraged to attend. 


Please complete and return the bottom portion to your classroom teacher by Friday January 17.




Child’s name                  ___________________________________

Parent’s name               ___________________________________

Classroom Teacher      ____________________________________


I need babysitting for  ____  Children.

Happy New Year 2014!

Hi Parents,

Welcome back from our winter break.


PINK TRIANGLE Nutrition/Food Groups

Talking about the themes at home is a great way to further conversational skills.


NO SCHOOL- Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King .

NO SCHOOL- Monday, January 27th, District-wide pupil free day.

NO SCHOOL- Friday, January 31st, LAUNCH staff development day.

WINTER FLING – Friday, January 24th.

Thanks to all the parents for the donations to their classes!